Preparing for Retirement?

One of the most important assets that you will have when you retire is your benefits. As you may know recently the Association was able to negotiate benefits for 15 years after your retirement or until age 65 whichever comes first. At 65 your City of Brampton benefits will cease and Canada Pension along with benefits will begin.

Before you leave you should take care of a few things to ensure your benefits and pension start without a delay or lag time when you “walk out the door”.

As you are thinking about retiring, it is a good idea to speak to the Association Pension Representative who at present is Shaun McGee, Station 209, C shift. CLICK HERE to contact Shaun.

One of the first things you should do when you have made the decision to leave is to contact the Benefits Analysis for the City. The phone number is 905-874-3686.

The Benefits Analysis representative will have you complete forms that will ensure no lag time between when you go and when your retirement benefits and OMERS cheques start to arrive.

Although it is not mandatory we the Association Executive would ask that you advise us when you are thinking of leaving. The reason is twofold – it allows for the Treasurer to ensure your benevolent entitlements according to our policy, are ready and it allows the Association the “heads up “to ensure that our manpower levels are maintained with new recruits.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions with regards to retirement or benefits.

Michael Maniezzo, 2nd Vice President, Local 1068 Brampton

[email protected]

Cell 416-997-3304


Congratulations on your retirement and I hope your golden years are just that. As your Benefits Committee Representative, I would like to make a few suggestions in regard to medical screening and hearing. Please remember that even in retirement if you believe you have any medical issues that may be related to your firefighter career that the Brampton Professional Firefighters Association is able to represent your claim and ensure you and your family receives all the appropriate benefits from WSIB.

As we all know your career as a firefighter was dangerous and caused exposure to many different chemicals and carcinogens. According to the OPFFA, a firefighter will be exposed to toxic chemicals for an average of one hundred and sixty-eight hours or seven days per year. With the presumptive legislation in place to support our claims, it may be prudent to consider the health effects of your career as a firefighter. In short, I suggest a retired firefighter visits his/her family Doctor and discusses screening for Occupational Diseases such as cancer. Firstly, and most importantly this may save your life. Secondly, in retirement, you will still receive certain benefits from WSIB that can greatly assist you and your family.

With medical screening in mind, you may not be aware but as a Firefighter your hearing may have been affected by the sirens and alarm bells after the many years you served in the Fire Department. I likewise suggest having your family doctor refer you to a Specialist (Ears, Nose, and Throat Doctor) to have your hearing tested. Benefits from WSIB begin if there is a hearing loss of 22.5db in both years. Hearing aids can cost between $3000.00-$6000.00 and batteries up to $500.00. If it is claimed before age 65 WSIB provides 100% coverage for your entire life.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like to schedule an appointment to discuss further information on the subject or to begin a WSIB claim.

Michael Maniezzo, Chair Benefits Committee

Brampton Professional Firefighters Association, L-1068

[email protected]